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Laticrete 4237 Latex Additive (5 Gal Pail)


Laticrete 4237 Latex Additive is ideal for slurry coats and mudbeds that require exceptionally high bond strength and resistance to exterior weather conditions!

Original price was: $165.36.Current price is: $149.28.

Item No.: 4237-0005-2

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Laticrete 4237 Latex Additive produces a high strength adhesive that is frost, weather and shock resistant. Ideal for installing ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles, brick and stone on concrete, brick, block and masonry surfaces. Laticrete 4237 Latex Additive is a specially designed latex additive for use with 211 Powder to make high strength latex thin-set bed up to 1/8″ (3 mm) and medium bed up to 5/8″ (15 mm) mortars. Also for use with Portland cement to make slurry bond coats for mortar beds and with thin set mortars to give improved performance and longer open time. 254 Platinum is a LATICRETE approved substitute for 211 Powder and 4237 Latex Additive.

Laticrete offers a powerful latex additive in the form of Laticrete 4237 which is a reliable and efficient high strength adhesive. This product is resistant to frost, shock and adverse weather. The Laticrete 4237 Latex Additive can be used in the installation of porcelain tiles, ceramic tiles, stones and bricks on concrete, block, brick as well as masonry surfaces.

The Laticrete 4237 Latex Additive can be used with Portland cement in order to make top grade slurry bond coats that can be used for the mortar beds. They also work well with the thin set mortars. One of the unique things about Laticrete 4237 Latex Additive is that it always ensures superior performance along with longer opening time. Users of the Laticrete 4237 Latex Additive can benefit greatly from its superior bond strength for which it is so well known. In fact, Laticrete 4237 Latex Additive offers 250% greater strength than the norm for ANSI A118.4. It is also extremely flexible which makes it very shock resistant. It can also be used for different conditions noted for rather extra heavy traffic.  

As one of the most powerful latex additive available in the market right now, it is perfect for being used in all kinds of weather and climatic conditions. This means that they can deliver powerful performance in extreme cold conditions where frost is a norm. The additive can also work well in both exterior as well as interior conditions. It has been in use for more than 50 years now and is noted for the hallmark quality for which Laticrete is so well known. Laticrete 4237 Latex Additive is extremely popular because it is very safe, extremely economical and very easy to use. Such features have definitely appealed to a broader base of users over the years. It is also non-hazardous and non-flammable which means that users can work with Laticrete 4237 Latex Additive without any hint of worry. The Laticrete 4237 Latex Additive has been reviewed positively by numerous users and critics over the years.

Features of Laticrete 4237 Latex Additive:

  • Superior bond strength—250% greater than ANSI A118.4 (American National Standard Specification for Latex Portland Cement Mortar).
  • Flexible and shock resistant; rated for extra heavy traffic conditions.
  • Weather and frost resistant for interior and exterior use in all types of climates.
  • Proven performance; used in all types of applications for over 50 years.
  • Safe, economical and easy to use; non-hazardous, non-flammable.


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