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Laticrete 226 THICK BED MORTAR (60lb bag / Grey)

5.00 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
(2 customer reviews)

Laticrete 226 Thick Bed Mortar is combine with 3701 Mortar Admix for an exceptionally high strength, durable mortar bed!


Item No.: 0226-0060-21

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The versatile Laticrete 226 Thick Bed Mortar is a premixed blend of specially selected base materials, sized aggregates, and portland cement that eliminates the need to blend powders at the job site. Laticrete 226 Thick Bed Mortar is non-flammable increasing safety at when used at the jobsite as well as when being stored. The Laticrete 226 Thick Bed Mortar, when mixed with Laticrete 3701 Mortar Admix provides an exceptionally strong mortar blend when cured and is suitable for a wide range of applications including in interior and exterior installations, wet and dry areas and on floors, ceilings and walls. The economical Laticrete 226 Thick Bed Mortar does not require special tools and is easy to use requiring no special tools.

Laticrete 226 Thick Bed Mortar

The Laticrete 226 Thick Bed Mortar is a highly versatile mortar product that can be used for different types of projects. It is a unique and powerful premixed blend of carefully selected base materials, Portland cement and sized aggregates which can effectively negate the necessity to combine and blend the powders during the actual job. One of the major benefits of choosing Laticrete 226 thick bed mortar is that it is a non-flammable product which can enhance safety practices at the main job site as well as at the storage site. This is one of the main reasons why more and more people these days prefer to work with the Laticrete 226 Thick Bed Mortar product.

When the Laticrete 226 Thick Bed Mortar is mixed and combined with the Laticrete 3701 Mortar Admix, it helps to produce a very strong mortar blend after being cured. This makes it perfect for numerous types of applications and tasks such as exterior and interior installations, repairs of the floors, walls and ceilings as well as the dry and wet areas. Laticrete thick bed mortar is extremely economical as well as user friendly and therefore it is not necessary to work with any kind of special tools for installation and implementation. For this reason, it is extensively used in many homes, commercial buildings and public areas. 

The Laticrete 226 thick bed mortar is already premixed which means that there is no need for blending any powders at the main jobsite. The high strength formula of this thick bed mortar product helps to make sure that it is going to remain intact for a long period of time and withstand any kind of wearing and tearing. This has made it possible for the product to obtain a rating of “Extra Heavy Service” according to TCNA performance levels. The superior composition of the Laticrete 226 Thick Bed Mortar has definitely made it one of the most reliable mortar products that are available these days in the market.

With the Laticrete 226 thick bed mortar, it is possible to create a thick bed adhesive of high strength up to around 50 mm. This makes it ideal for being used with all kinds of natural stones, ceramic tiles and vitrified tiles. Whether you are looking to use it as an exterior cement plaster or interior mortar, you can obtain best results when you are thinking of using it in swimming pools, walls and floors.

Features of Laticrete 226 Thick Bed Mortar

  • Premixed — No jobsite blending of powders required
  • Laticrete Thick Bed Mortar is safe — Non-flammable; safe to store and mix
  • Economical — saves time and money
  • Laticrete Thick Bed Mortar is Easy to Use — no special tools required
  • Laticrete Thick Bed Mortar is Versatile — wet and dry areas, walls, floors, ceilings, interior and exterior
  • Laticrete Thick Bed Mortar has High Strength Formula
  • “Extra Heavy Service” rating per TCNA performance levels (RE: ASTM C627 Robinson Floor Test).

2 reviews for Laticrete 226 THICK BED MORTAR (60lb bag / Grey)

  1. Gary McCloskey

    Excellent tile mud. Easy to mix and set.

  2. Gary McCloskey

    Excellent tile mud. Easy to mix and set.

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