Reusable Tile Leveling System

Advantages of a Reusable Tile Leveling System

Installing tile sounds like a daunting task.  

But with the right tools and know-how, any homeowner can complete a tile installation that looks and performs right.

Tile comes in a wide variety of shapes, styles and patterns, so no matter your taste there is a tile to suit your design preferences. Along with the versatile design options, tile flooring will last longer than other floor options. It is both durable and reliable as an option for the floors in your house. 

If you are thinking of taking on a tile installation project, contact the professionals at Tile Pro Depot to help you get started. We at Tile Pro, can guide you in the right direction to ensure you get all your project needs.  

Installing Tile  

A common mistake that plagues those giving tile installation a try for the first time is lippage.

It is one of the biggest pitfalls of completing a tile flooring install. Lippage is both visually unappealing and a trip hazard.  

Using a tile leveling system is one way to avoid the common mistake. The system works to keep the tile on the same plane by eliminating movement during the installation process.  

By using a reusable tile leveling system, you should be able to avoid vertical displacement and maintain the same tile height throughout the installation. At Tile Pro Depot, we offer reusable tile leveling systems that aim to ease the process of seamlessly installing equidistant floor tiles. 

Advantages of Using a Reusable Tile Leveling System  

  • Creates a lippage free surface
  • Allows for tight grout line spacing
  • Reduces joint spacing
  • Keeps tile in place while drying
  • Eliminates movement, slumping, shrinkage or warping
  • Keeps you from having to relift tiles to add mud or shim for realignment
  • Speeds installation and extends settling material coverage
  • Cost savings since you can reuse caps for each tile install

Spin Doctor Tile Leveling System 

At Tile Pro Depot, we recommend purchasing the Spin Doctor tile leveling system. It is the most user friendly and cost-effective  because new caps don’t have to be purchase for each new installation tile leveling system currently on the market. 

The system contains reusable caps, which allow customers to use the product each time they are completing a tile install. The Spin Doctor leveler has a patented free-spin design that gives installers the ability to tighten down the cap by hand. The posts double as spacers that are placed directly under the edge of the exposed tile. This eliminates contact between the threaded space posts and the tile. The tile edges can touch the posts as long as the post are kicked out prior to grouting. The posts also ensure consistent joint spacing at either 1/8” or 1/16”.  

When installing tile with this system, spin the caps down on the threaded posts by hand in a clockwise direction. Stop spinning once the caps are flush against the tile. This system should be installed while the thinset is still moist to allow tile edges to move smoothly against each other.
At Tile Pro Depot, we carry the Spin Doctor, MLT and DTA leveling systems. If you need any assistance with floor tile leveling systems, we would be happy to help. Feel free to contact us online or by phone at 844.751.2625. We are here for all your tile installation questions.

Mitchell Moss

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