When selecting a drain for a shower, you’re no longer limited to just function. As shower installation techniques and styles have developed over time, so has the ability to choose a drain that not only does the job, but looks great doing it.
When discussing shower drain options with your client, you’ll most likely present them with round or square shower drains. Either drain works perfectly fine, and really the difference just comes down to aesthetic.
A round shower drain is a more classic style of drain, while square shower drains have a more modern flair to them. Round shower drains complement more traditionally styled shower installations, while square shower drains can incorporate seamlessly into square tile installations or mosaic like patterns.
At Tile Pro Depot, we offer the Laticrete HYDRO BAN Flange Bonded Drains. These square shower drains are low profile floor drains that are specifically designed to use in bonded waterproofing installations with the HYDRO BAN waterproofing membrane.
This square shower drain is only suitable for interior applications, and does not need to be limited to the shower. It can also be installed in commercial or residential bathroom areas, laundries, as well as in kitchens and food processing areas.
The Hydro Ban Flange Bonded Drain is available in many finishes, making it suitable for a variety of shower styles. The drain is available in brushed steel, oil rubbed bronze, and polished steel, as well as is available in a complete unit.
If a round or square shower drain does not suit your customer’s tastes, we also offer the Laticrete HYDRO BAN Linear Drain. This drain is incredibly stylish and contemporary, and makes your installation job easier, because you don’t need to cut tile to slope from four directions as you would with a traditional center placed shower drain.
The Linear drain is available in many sizes and finishes, and can be installed along a wall or edge. This advantage allows for large format tile installation and stone in showers.
Whether you’re looking for a linear drain, a round drain, or a square shower drain, Tile Pro Depot is here to serve. We carry a large assortment of tile installation products, varying from the very tools you need to complete the installation, various accessories, or convenience items like preformed shower pans or benches.
Visit our website to view the products we carry, place an order, or read our blog for industry tips and advice. If you have any questions, whether they be about our products, industry best practices, or about square shower drains, feel free to contact us online or by phone at 844.751.2625. We’d be more than happy to assist you however we can.
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